The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) has been reporting on developments impacting Jewish communities around the world for nearly a century. The most trusted Jewish news brand and syndication service, it is a source of credible, nonpartisan, reporting for over 70 client publications and millions of readers around the world.
We offer targeted digital advertising on our website, newsletters and social-media accounts. We also offer a wide range of digital consulting and creative services, from producing sponsored content, to creating white-label email newsletters and reports, to running workshops in digital storytelling and content marketing.
JTA is the flagship brand of 70 Faces Media, the largest nonprofit, nondenominational Jewish digital media organization in North America. Governed by an independent Board of Directors and not affiliated with any specific branch of Judaism or political position, 70 Faces Media is a mission-driven nonprofit, whose websites engage key segments of the American and global Jewish community better than any publisher today.
Advertising on JTA can be bundled together with advertising across other 70 Faces Media properties, including MyJewishLearning, Kveller, Alma, The New York Jewish Week, and The Jewniverse. 70FM offers targeted digital advertising to our 3.5 million monthly web users, 300,000 daily e-newsletter subscribers and 1.2 million social-media followers.
JTA by the numbers:
- 57,000 Daily Newsletter subscribers
- 1.6M monthly pageviews
- 75 syndication partners on 5 continents (55 in US)
- 59,200 Facebook followers
- 119,700 Twitter followers
Because we are a mission-driven nonprofit that relies primarily on institutional funding for support, we provide limited ad placements, which generate maximum ROI for our advertisers. We earn our audience’s loyalty and growth by putting user-experience and content first while investing significantly in audience retention.
- Banner Ads: are sold on a CPM basis ($8 CPM for Run-of-Site; $12 CPM to target at a city), with the following available formats: 300×250, 320×100, 970×250, 300×600, 728×90
- Newsletter sponsorships: are sold one week at a time, or in six-consecutive-day increments ($1,710 per week). Advertisers receive 100% share of voice – i.e. exclusive use to our two newsletter ad slots for a full week, Sunday through Friday. Our audience development team meticulously manages list-quality, routinely purging inactive users. With monthly open rates ranging from 25% to 30% and click-rates between 6% and 15%, our newsletters provide excellent exposure to our most engaged users.
- Dedicated Emails: allow advertisers to reach all – or some – of our newsletter subscribers, with dedicated emails sent directly from our email servers ($3,710 per email). All advertising creative – including subject lines – are subject to approval by our audience and editorial teams
- Sponsored Content ($3,950 per story – bulk discounting if you purchase 5, more if you purchase 10): Stories produced and published by JTA designed to promote your institution’s goals while engaging readers with content that employs the storytelling tone and style of journalism (but labeled as sponsored).
- Paid Post ($2,500 per post): Paid posts are content posts created by clients and published unedited on our brands.